Episode 51: Achievements or Trophies?

We are back for another news filled week in geek with a sickly Bat and a healthy Hammer.  This weeks episode we tackle the massive deluge of Comic news including a triple dose of documentary goodness, Antman getting a second Antman, the rumor mills are spinning  over possible Depp casting as Dr. Strange, Baron Von Stuckers purpose in Avengers 2, possibility of dual filming Batman vs Superman and JLA and Final Fantasy Tacitcs’ game creator’s new project.  We tackle what we’re watching, playing and reading  along with weeks Q of the week.  For next week we propose two, count them two, questions of the week.  “What movies do you watch when you’re sick” and “What superhero do think should be on TV?”  No Last of Us spoiler talk this week dear listeners but we will make sure to have that recorded and posted soon.

Don’t forget to let us know what your answer is by visiting  us at

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