Episode 261: Ready Player 1.5

Hello everyone and welcome to our “back from vacation” episode! It’s been 2 weeks and I’ve returned from Japan (not dead despite Bat’s jinxing) and we’re ready to hop right back into all the nerdy stuff!…. okay there actually might not be a whole lot of nerdy stuff to jump into but we do have our theatrical review of Ready Player One and we provide your standard spoiler free and spoiler filled reviews. We dive a bit more into the differences between the book and the movie in the spoiler filled review so please feel free to listen in and join the conversation by telling us what you think. I know I said we didn’t have ‘much’ news to talk about but as per the usual we find something to discuss as well as I rant on a good 20 minutes about Japan-land. If that’s not your speed, totally understand, then you can skip from 13 minutes to approximately 33 minutes… I told you, I kind of ranted a bit.

Anyways loved the vacation and was happy to share some of my adventures via Instagram but I’m super excited to get back into the swing of things!

As we didn’t set a streaming review last episode we’re going to continue through our fan streaming suggestion backlog by watching Kristi’s suggestion of Open House on Netflix. So feel free to tune into Netflix along with us and hide behind the covers.

No streaming suggestion this week as we will be taking a few episodes off, but you can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.
Please send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/batandhammer
Email: Batandhammer@gmail.com

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